Funds acting together to create value

We create investments that are diverse and complimentary to one another. When held together in a portfolio or added to a core equity portfolio, they create diversification that is beneficial to the overall holdings of investors.

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Funds that invest in the public market

Funds that invest in the public market

Investments in the public market remain by far the largest and most widely used tools for building an investment portfolio.

Our funds include strategies of active securities selection, momentum investing, deep-value investing, as well as a selection of fund managers who specialize in hedge fund strategies such as merger arbitrage, long-short equity, and convertible arbitrage.

Additionally, our hybrid fund utilizes passive strategies using ETFs and index tracking with an overlay of tactical asset allocation to capitalize on market corrections.


Unique investments
in private securities

Unique investments
in private securities

We seek unique investments that have low correlation with the stock market to provide higher risk-adjusted returns for our investors when held in a portfolio.

Our private securities investments have included private high-yield loans, tax credit-secured lending, early stage venture capital, commercial mortgages, and student housing.

Part of the portfolio aims to deliver structured returns using income-generating investments and prudent cash management strategies.


Capital preservation in real estate with income

Capital preservation in real estate with income

Real estate has performed well since the last financial crisis and continued to be considered as an effective asset class for storing long-term value.

Most of our clients already have personal holdings in real estate. Therefore, we look for alternative real estate assets to provide different risk profiles from their personal use properties.

Our holdings include investments in a senior housing operator as well as securitized debt of U.S. affordable housing assets, both of which generate income that act as hedges against inflation.

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